The Prayag Film City, also known as the Midnapore Film City or Chandrakona Film City or Bengal film city is an abandoned film city, located at Chandrakona, West Midnapore, 165 km from Kolkata. Built by the Prayag Group, it spans over an area of 1,600 acres making it second-largest film city and costing ₹10 billion (US$120 million).[1] The mega size integrated complex was to be opened to the public in two phases, of which only one phrase completed in 2012.[2][3]
This is the first of its kind film-making arena in Asia. The complex's first phase, designed by the noted art director Nitish Roy, is opened to public from 15 April 2012.[4] The official brand ambassador of the film city complex is Bollywood star Shahrukh Khan, who is also West Bengal's tourism brand ambassador.[5]
A part of the location burned down in a large fire in March 2019.[6]
See also
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