Herglotz-Riesz representation theorem for harmonic functions
A positive function f on the unit disk with f(0) = 1 is harmonic if and only if there is a probability measure μ on the unit circle such that
The formula clearly defines a positive harmonic function with f(0) = 1.
Conversely if f is positive and harmonic and rn increases to 1, define
is a probability measure.
By a compactness argument (or equivalently in this case
Helly's selection theorem for Stieltjes integrals), a subsequence of these probability measures has a weak limit which is also a probability measure μ.
Since rn increases to 1, so that fn(z) tends to f(z), the Herglotz formula follows.
Herglotz-Riesz representation theorem for holomorphic functions
A holomorphic function f on the unit disk with f(0) = 1 has positive real part if and only if there is a probability measure μ on the unit circle such that
This follows from the previous theorem because:
the Poisson kernel is the real part of the integrand above
the real part of a holomorphic function is harmonic and determines the holomorphic function up to addition of a scalar
the above formula defines a holomorphic function, the real part of which is given by the previous theorem
Carathéodory's positivity criterion for holomorphic functions
be a holomorphic function on the unit disk. Then f(z) has positive real part on the disk
if and only if
for any complex numbers λ0, λ1, ..., λN, where
for m > 0.
In fact from the Herglotz representation for n > 0
Duren, P. L. (1983), Univalent functions, Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, vol. 259, Springer-Verlag, ISBN0-387-90795-5
Herglotz, G. (1911), "Über Potenzreihen mit positivem, reellen Teil im Einheitskreis", Ber. Verh. Sachs. Akad. Wiss. Leipzig, 63: 501–511
Pommerenke, C. (1975), Univalent functions, with a chapter on quadratic differentials by Gerd Jensen, Studia Mathematica/Mathematische Lehrbücher, vol. 15, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Riesz, F. (1911), "Sur certains systèmes singuliers d'équations intégrale", Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér., 28: 33–62, doi:10.24033/asens.633