The Popular Front of the Canary Islands (FREPIC-AWAÑAK) defines itself as a “popular organization” continuing Antonio Cubillo's support of Berberism. Its aims are to:
Struggle against the “errors” of the autonomist Unión del Pueblo Canario party by “openly refusing any autonomist proposal, even those which claim that they are a preliminary step towards auto-determination and independence.”
Begin a movement for the establishment of the República Popular Canaria, an independent “Popular Republic of the Canary Islands”, by bringing into its fold “the Canarians who are against colonial rule and who favor total political independence from Spain”
The PFCI (FREPIC-AWAÑAK) has never been able to reach effective political representation and has remained a minority group. Its best electoral results were in 1996 in the Spanish Senate elections where it failed to reach enough votes.[2] From that moment the FREPIC-AWAÑAK has not taken part again in any election. Now changed, his independentist principles foremost Moroccan friendship and help cooperation, like a way to demonstrate that golpe de fuerza (strong coup) thinking that is the best way to instigate fear against Central Administration and obtain more autonomy.