Poor Paul is a comedy and politically incorrectcomedy series that stars Kevin G. Schmidt, Samantha Droke, Wes Whitworth and Zack Bennett. It was aired between 2008 and 2011. The feature film version of Poor Paul was produced in 2021 and shot on location in Rhode Island and released in 2023. Returning from the original cast as Grandpa Paul, Richard Riehle, followed by director and co-writer/creator Sean Michael Beyer as Paul's dad Mr. Ted, and the lovable loser/nosey neighbor Lloyd, Palmer Scott.
Poor Paul follows Paul and his college-aged roommates in an episodic comedy format.[1]
Justin is annoyingly smart, Clyde is a neat freak and alcoholic, Bonnie is Clyde's sister who seems to like Paul, and Paul creates outrageous fantasies in order to escape life. Paul tries to deal with Justin’s “I’m better-than-everyone” attitude and Clyde’s obsessive, compulsive side. In Paul's fantasies he is always the hero – the only man in the universe who can save the day.