Pond's Theater is a 60-minute television anthology series sponsored by Pond's Creams that was produced by the J. Walter Thompson Agency on ABC-TV. Its original title was Kraft Television Theatre, but when Kraft decided to drop the Thursday night version on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) Pond's took over the sponsorship and retitled the series Pond's Theater. Twenty-five episodes aired on ABC from January 13, 1955 to July 7, 1955.
Reviewer John Crosby, in a March 31, 1955 article entitled "Pond's Theatre Delivers Satisfying Dramatic Fare" commented that:[3]
"Pond's Theater doesn't do that well because its on a Thursday, and because it's on ABC-TV,which can't deliver the stations. But it does all right, and in less than three months has done some, very interesting plays."
^Broadcasting - Volume 47 -1955 Page 28 "Other added purchases by regular clients included: Ponds' Ponds Theatre on ABC-TV and Eastman-Kodak's Screen Directors Playhouse on NBC- TV. JWT continued to service the tv sponsorships of Kraft's Kraft Theatre, Ford's Ford Theatre,"
^Ira Skutch - The days of live: television's golden age 1998 Page 71 "A Night to Remember on Kraft was a show that I would never attempt to do again in a million years. ... After Kraft, I directed Ponds Theatre, which was produced by J. Walter Thompson at ABC, and then some shows in California, including ..