Approximately 500 episodes aired on ITV from 1955 to 1967. The first production was Ten Minute Alibi, produced by Associated-Rediffusion on 14 May 1956[1] while the earliest to survive is There Was a Young Lady, broadcast live on 23 July 1956 and simultaneously telerecorded on film.[2]
The first production not to be transmitted live was Henrik Ibsen's The Wild Duck[3] which was also film recorded. The first to be pre-recorded on videotape was Mary Broome, a Granada production broadcast on 3 September 1958.[4] Subsequently, only one play was transmitted live, Associated-Rediffusion's Search Party on 26 July 1960.[5] The recording of The Liberty Man, a Granada production broadcast on 1 October 1958, contains the original advertisements during the first commercial break.[6]The Violent Years was networked from Anglia on its opening night, 27 October 1959, and exists at the University of East Anglia.[7]
The series included You in Your Small Corner by Barry Reckord, first broadcast in June 1962, which was an early taboo breaking drama depicting lovers from white and black backgrounds kissing.[8] This also survives.[9]
Other productions included:
Look Back in Anger - produced by Granada, broadcast 28 November 1956, does not exist[10]