Westerner Sally Benson is cheated out of her bankroll by Nick Winner, a gambler passing through town. In New York, Nick opens up a combination night club/gambling joint and, while he is away, Sally, using the name of Vicki Norris, gets a job singing at the club. He attempts to fire her when he returns but she cooly pulls a gun and forces him to cut cards for the club he opened using her money. This time, using marked cards herself, she wins but keeps Nick on as the manager. She becomes engaged to rich, stuffy blueblood, J. Leslie Benton III, until Nick, who has fallen in love with her, wins her away. They plan to marry until Vicki gets the mistaken idea that Nick's real interest is in getting his club back. This complication is coupled with a war waged against the club by Nick's old gambling rival Johnny Rossi.[4]