Pie in the Sky is a 1964 American film drama written and directed by Allen Baron and starring Lee Grant, Sylvia Miles, and youngster Richard Bray (his only film work).[2] Although filmed in 1962, financial and distribution problems delayed release until 1964. Shortly after the initial release, it was retitled Terror in the City.[3]
A nine-year-old boy, Brill (Richard Bray), who lives on a farm, hitchhikes to New York City. He finds work selling papers with a gang of shoeshine boys and paper carriers managed by teen punk Rick (Jaime Charlamagne), who keeps half their earnings. Brill wins Rick's money in a crap game, and he goes on the town with his Puerto Rican friend Paco (Roberto Marsach).
When Rick's gang gives Brill a beating, prostitute Suzy (Lee Grant) takes care of Brill, buys him new clothes and takes him on a tour of Manhattan. After Suzy is picked up by the police, Brill buys a bicycle to ride back to the farm. However, a truck ruins the bicycle on the highway, and he stays the night at the home of an elderly African-American couple. Back home the next day, he gives his father the rest of his money.