The meteor stream is viewable around April 24 but only in years around the parent comet's perihelion date, the next being in 2023. However, in 1999 the planet Jupiter perturbed the comet's perihelion to beyond Earth's orbit, and it is uncertain how strong the shower will be in the future.
The pi Puppids get their name because their radiant appears to lie in the constellationPuppis, at around right ascension 112 degrees and declination −45 degrees. This made them only visible to southern observers.
They were discovered in 1972 and have been observed about every 5 years - at each perihelion passage of the comet - but often at very low rates per hour.
With a large error bar, the Pi Puppids may have briefly reached a Zenithal hourly rate of around 380 on 17 April 2019.[3] Comet 26P/Grigg-Skjellerup had come to perihelion in October 2018.