Deaver was born in Chicago, and grew up in Tuscola, Illinois. Following high school, Deaver attended St. Joseph's College in Rensselaer, Indiana, where he majored in English literature. Deaver married in 1968, and taught in 1968–69 at St. Francis High School, Wheaton, Illinois. In the summer of 1969, he was drafted into the U.S. Army and stationed in Frankfurt, Germany.
Following military service, Deaver worked in a Model Cities program in Indianapolis. He received consecutive Charles Stewart Mott Fellowships, resulting in a master's degree in Education at Ball State University and a Doctorate from the University of Virginia.
In May 2005 his collection of poems, How Men Pray, was published. In August of that year two poems—The Worrier's Guild and Flying—were selected by Garrison Keillor for The Writer's Almanac. In the summer of 2006, Deaver's story Lowell and the Rolling Thunder appeared in the Kenyon Review with an interview with the author posted on the publisher's website.
A biography of Deaver, One Dog Barked, the Other Howled: A Meditation on Several Lives of a Minor American Writer, ISBN 9781761450525, was published in 2023. An abridged version of the book was previously published in a special edition of The Legal Studies Forum, Volume XLII, Supp. 1, West Virginia University (2018).
A study of community education process through an analysis of the work of Paul Goodman, University of Virginia, 1978
Philip F. Deaver, ed. (2007). Scoring from Second: Writers on Baseball. University of Nebraska Press. ISBN978-0-8032-5991-1.
Christine Blackwell; Philip F. Deaver; Stephen Caldwell Wright, eds. (2000). The Orlando Group and Friends: A Collection of Writings and Art. Arbiter Press. ISBN978-0-9621385-2-2.