1936 American comedy film
Pepper is a 1936 American comedy film directed by James Tinling and written by Jefferson Parker, Murray Roth and Lamar Trotti. The film stars Jane Withers, Irvin S. Cobb, Slim Summerville, Dean Jagger, Muriel Robert and Ivan Lebedeff.[2][3][4] The film was released on August 8, 1936, by 20th Century Fox.
Wealthy John Wilkes (Irvin S. Cobb) is perfectly happy to live a grumpy and unfulfilled existence with only his money for company. Little girl Pepper Jolly (Jane Withers) worms her way into his life to turn his life upside down with frightening carnival rides and other adventures, while conspiring to keep Wilkes' daughter from making the mistake of her life.
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