1959 American TV series or program
Peck's Bad Girl was a 1959 American TV series, starring Wendell Corey and Patty McCormack which aired on CBS. The show revolved around the misadventures of a twelve-year-old girl growing up and how she related to her family. Patty McCormack, who had played a sinister little girl in The Bad Seed, played the lead character, Torey Peck. The title drew inspiration from the Peck's Bad Boy stories.
The show was presented as a family comedy centered on Torey, who would talk directly to the audience about herself and the events from in front of a black screen at points during the episode. Peck's Bad Girl replaced the Arthur Godfrey Show.
The New York Times said in its review of the show: "PECK'S BAD GIRL, which had its debut... is another situation-comedy series on family life and a further reminder of the sustained superiority of Father Knows Best."[1] After its poor reception in 1959, CBS re-ran the entire series in the summer of 1960 to no better success.
- Patty McCormack as Torey Peck, twelve-year-old girl
- Wendell Corey as Steve Peck, her father
- Marsha Hunt as Jennifer Peck, her mother
- Ray Ferrell as Roger Peck, her younger brother
- Reba Waters as Francesca, her girlfriend
Guest stars included Jane Withers, Patrick O'Neal and Jacques Bergerac.
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