The film begins with the 60-year-old man Patel S.I.R., who resides with his blind granddaughter, Yamini. He targets a kingpin, D.R. / Devraj, spreading drug traffic all over the country. He starts slaying his men, Lala & Monti, very brutally. A suborn cop, A.C.P. Catherine, is appointed to catch hold of the homicide. In that process, she ascertains several interesting facts. Patil S.I.R's actual shade is a highly decorated soldier, Major Subhash Patel, whose life ambition is to move his son Vallabh in his footsteps. He aspires to become a doctor, much to his father's dismay, and is, so, ordered out of the house. After a few years, when Patel's wife Bharathi is terminally ill, Vallabh returns with his wife Rajeswari / Raaji and children. Following her death, Patel reconciles with his son, so the family reunites. Everything is going well. Unfortunately, there is a tragic twist when Vallabh rescues a journalist, Ravi, from being shot, who has a piece of crucial evidence against Devraj. Before his death, Ravi hands it over to Vallabh, which ends the slaughtering of Vallabh, Raaji, & their son by DR. But Yamini is safeguarded by Patil, leaving her blind. That is why Patel is taking revenge against D.R.'s gang. The rest of the story is about how Patel reaches his final target, DR. Will he get his granddaughter's eyesight back? Where does ACP Viswas feature in this setup?
Jagapati Babu as Subhash Patel & Dr. Vallabh Patel (Dual role)