Pasamalar is a 2013-2016 Indian Tamil-language soap opera that aired on Sun TV. A prime time serial, it premiered on 7 October 2013 to 31 December 2016 for 983 episodes. It was initially aired from Monday to Friday at 6:30PM IST and later extended up to Saturday. The show starred Stalin, Chandra Lakshman and Shamily Sukumar in the lead roles as Poovarasu, Thamarai and Mallika. while, Pavani Reddy, Pradeep Kumar, Yuvarani, Shilpa Mary Teresa, Jeevitha, Guru Aravind, Bhuvaneshwari and others playing a supporting roles. It is produced by Home Movie Makers and directed by Sadhasivam Perumaal and Azhagar, S.Sundarmoorthy.[1]
It revolves around the lives of 3 siblings, whose affection and love remain unchanged through highs and lows. Poovarasu (Stalin) has been taking care of his two younger sisters, Thamarai (Chandra Lakshman) and Mallika (Shamily Sukumar) from the age of 10 after their parents' untimely death. It is currently re telecasting in Kalaignar TV since 12 December 2022 to 4 September 2023 at 9.30 PM.[2] and in Murasu TV at 1:00pm.
Paasamalar is a story about the love shared by an elder brother and his two younger sisters. Poovarasu is taking care of his sisters, Thamarai and Mallika, from the age of ten after his parents died. Poovarasu sacrifices his interests and desires to care for his sisters. He works in a small engineering factory, Thamarai takes care of the family while Mallika goes to college and has a different attitude towards life.
Stalin as Poovarasu (1–983)
Leena Nair ("Pritika") (1–197) → Chandra Lakshman (197–983) as Thamarai[3] - Poovarasu's 1st younger sister