Parenthood is an American sitcom television series based on the 1989film of the same name. Executive produced by Ron Howard (who also co-wrote and directed the film), the series aired for one season on NBC from August 20, 1990, to August 11, 1991.[1]
The series delivered seriocomic vignettes on rearing children, revolving around four generations of a middle-class California family, the Buckmans (the movie took place in St. Louis, Missouri). The Huffners of the film were renamed the Merricks on the TV series.
The pilot episode was considered by USA Today and the New York Post as the best movie-to-TV spin-off since M*A*S*H.[3][4] However, ratings for the series were low and Parenthood was canceled after 12 episodes.
The series is notable for featuring a number of people who at the time were unheard of but later became famous. One of the writers on the show was Joss Whedon. The cast featured Leonardo DiCaprio, David Arquette, and Thora Birch (billed simply as "Thora" here).
"Thanksgiving with a T that Rhymes with B that Stands for Basketball"
Betty Thomas
David Tyron King
November 17, 1990 (1990-11-17)
"Gil vs. the Deck"
Matia Karrell
Allison M. Gibson
December 16, 1990 (1990-12-16)
"Fun For Kids"
Allan Arkush
David Tyron King, Joss Whedon
August 11, 1991 (1991-08-11)
The show was featured on the now-defunct cable network Trio in 2005 as part of their "Brilliant But Cancelled" series of shows that were cancelled before their time.