"Papa Chico" is a Boney M. single from 1994, recorded by original lead singer Liz Mitchell as one of four new tracks on the compilation album More Gold - 20 Super Hits Vol. II. The single, credited to Boney M. feat. Liz Mitchell, pictured the singer's line-up with Carol Grey, Patricia Foster and Curt Dee Daran on the cover, and also included the ballad "Time to Remember" from the same album. The single failed to chart anywhere.
C-Bra version
The song was also covered by the group C-Bra in 1999.[1][2]
Boney M. feat Liz Mitchell: "Papa Chico" (BMG 74321 20364 2, 1994)
"Papa Chico" (Radio Version) - 3:52
"Time to Remember" (Farian, Kawohl, Bischof-Fallenstein) - 3:15