Paloheinä is Helsinki's main center for outdoor activities.[2] Over 200 competitions are held in Paloheinä each year in sports such as skiing, cross-country running, and orienteering.[1]
Nordic walkers seen every evening at the Paloheinä area. There are organized Nordic walking events at Paloheinä twice a week. In August 2007, Nordic walkers gathered at the Paloheinä recreational area to celebrate the tenth anniversary of their activity.[5]
In winter, Paloheinä is Helsinki's main area for skiing, especially cross-country skiing ( a sport immensely popular among Finns). The Paloheinä Skiing Centre has a number of well-maintained skiing tracks to suit skiers of all levels. They also offer rented equipment including skis, snowshoes and pulkka.[6]
The hill
Paloheinän mäki is a prominent sloping hill 120 m long and 38 m high which is the best ski slope in the area.[1]