The film follows Anand, a journalist and martial arts expert, who is in love with Usha. Anand comes into possession of a microfilm exposing the crimes of underworld kingpin Dais. When Dais’s gang learns of this, they relentlessly pursue Anand to retrieve the microfilm.
Renuka, a member of Dais’s gang, attempts to befriend Anand to obtain the microfilm but fails. Meanwhile, Usha leaves her home after her father, played by Major Sundarrajan, opposes her relationship with Anand. Soon, Usha becomes a target of Dais’s gang, who threaten her in their quest for the microfilm. Anand’s friend, Vishnu, is also ensnared by the gang as part of their efforts to recover it.
In a twist, Anand is forced to confront his own martial arts master, who is revealed to be one of Dais’s aides. Despite the obstacles, Anand ultimately defeats the gang, secures the microfilm, and protects his loved ones.
Thiraignani of Kalki felt Kamal Haasan was only wasting time fighting kung-fu throughout the film but praised the acting of Sripriya but felt other actors were wasted. He however praised Lakshman Gore's cinematography and Kiruba Shankar's stunt choreography and concluded this film is okay for those who love Kamal and action.[7]