"Out of This World" is an American popular song composed by Harold Arlen, with lyrics written by Johnny Mercer. It was first recorded by Jo Stafford with Paul Weston and his Orchestra in 1944.
Alec Wilder describes the Arlen melody as creating a modal feeling (E-flat Dorian) that achieves an unearthly effect. It is unlike his other lyric ballads in that it is one of Arlen's most direct and deliberately unrhythmic melodies—altogether a strong song with splendid support from the Johnny Mercer lyric.[2]
Notable recordings
Jo Stafford with Paul Weston and his Orchestra - recorded September 1944, released 1945 and reached he Billboard charts with a peak position of No. 9.[3]
Creed Taylor - Panic: The Son of Shock (1960). Instrumental arrangement used as theme music for Strange Tales of Science Fiction movie presentations, Channel 9 KHJ, greater Los Angeles, 1960s-1970s