Out There with Melissa DiMarco is an internationally distributed comedy series that follows the misadventures of an entertainment journalist, and her offbeat "Out There" crew as they navigate the "glamorous" world of Hollywood. Canadian actress Melissa DiMarco (Degrassi: The Next Generation, Riverdale) portrays a neurotic entertainment journalist, struggling to keep her sanity while interviewing A-List stars.
The show follows DiMarco in her relentless quest to score celebrity interviews and red carpet exclusives, a quest that is constantly undermined by her eccentric production team, family, friends, and most of all, her own anxieties and neuroses. The show mixes a raw shooting style with narrative voiceover that present DiMarco's often quirky private thoughts. The fictionalized storylines parody typical celebrity journalism and are loosely based on DiMarco's true-life experiences as both an interviewer and an actor.
Episodes air on CHCH, Chek TV, E! Canada, Rogers, City's national network and OMNI.1, while excerpts from DiMarco's celebrity interviews air on OUTtv and in 1600 digital newspapers across North America.[2]
Awards/ Nominations
Out There was recognized for Outstanding Achievement in Creative Excellence at the 39th U.S. International Film and Video Festival in Los Angeles and nominated for two Rockie Awards and CCA Comedy Award for Best TV Comedy and Best TV Comedy Writing.[3]
Further reading
"Melissa DiMarco: A woman for all seasons". Top Choice Magazine. Spring 2011. p. 40.
"Out There, Right Here with Melissa DiMarco". Beaches Life. December 2012 – January 2013. pp. 5–6.
Bawden, Jim (27 February 2001). "This blonde bombshell is no bimbo; Tight tops and leather pants all part of the act for Melissa DiMarco". Toronto Star. p. F5.
Di Mauro, Diana (August–September 2012). "Melissa DiMarco: In entertainment, nothing is off limits". Panoram Italia Toronto. p. 45.
Douglas, Ellen (November–December 2004). "Melissa DiMarco". Toronto Waterfront. pp. 20–21.
Hooper, Barrett (12 April 2002). "They're stuck on her: Up-and-coming Canadian actress Melissa DiMarco adds a little sex appeal to the duct-tape universe". National Post. Canada. p. M2., regarding her movie appearance in Duct Tape Forever
Skinner, Justin (24 March 2011). "A-list celebs join in spoof". City Centre Mirror. p. 3.