where the function S(x,y) is called the phase of the operator and the function a(x,y) is called the symbol of the operator. λ is a parameter. One often considers S(x,y) to be real-valued and smooth, and a(x,y) smooth and compactly supported. Usually one is interested in the behavior of Tλ for large values of λ.
Assume that x,y ∈ Rn, n ≥ 1. Let S(x,y) be real-valued and smooth, and let a(x,y) be smooth and compactly supported. If everywhere on the support of a(x,y), then there is a constant C such that Tλ, which is initially defined on smooth functions, extends to a continuous operator from L2(Rn) to L2(Rn), with the norm bounded by , for every λ ≥ 1: