Maldarelli's classical training allowed him to obtain commissions for both garden decorations and architectural sculpture. However as he grew older his work became more and more abstracted, though it would remain basically figurative.
He taught at both Sarah Lawrence College and Columbia University. One known student, Mario Cooper, would go on to considerable fame as an illustrator and also would teach at Columbia.[1]
While working at Columbia University in early 1950, Maldarelli met and taught a young Canadian police officer named John Reginald Abbott, a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Abbott had received authorization and funding to study sculpture in New York City in order to develop a new system of criminal identification for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police that relied on sculpted composites of suspected criminals.[2]
Maldarelli died in New York City in 1963 at the age of 70 from a heart attack.
Like many other sculptors of his day, Maldarelli produced both architectural and funerary sculpture.