Old School is an Australian television drama series that screened on ABC1 from 23 May to 11 July 2014. The eight-part series follows the adventures of retired criminal Lennie Cahill and retired cop Ted McCabe. The characters were originally depicted in the short film Lennie Cahill Shoots Through by Paul Oliver.
Old School was created by Paul Oliver and Steve Wright, and directed by Gregor Jordan, Peter Templeman and Paul Oliver. The producer was Helen Panckhurst, with executive producers Tony Ayres and Penny Chapman. Old School was written by Belinda Chayko, Paul Oliver, Matt Cameron, Chris Hawkshaw, Gregor Jordan, Michaeley O’Brien and Nick Parsons, with script producers Tim Pye and Sarah Smith.[1][2]
The song accompanying the opening titles is "Disguise" by Eleanor Dunlop.
The armoured van hold-up should have gone easily, but Detective Ted McCabe and his team knew about it. Lennie Cahill was arrested and a mysterious "bloke in a suit" shot McCabe.
Ted and Lennie tail corrupt cop Rick Duncan, but Lennie smashes into the back of Rick's SUV. Rick threatens Lennie with a parole breach, and tells Ted he has to pay the cost of repairs.
On the trail of Rick Duncan's killer, Ted and Lennie find themselves in the thick of a greyhound-doping scam. A possible saviour of the McCabe's stolen finances comes from an unlikely place.
When Ted and Lennie find books in crooked cop Rick's secret lock-up they have no idea of the trouble they are in. The books are laced with LSD, and the Triads and the Feds are after them.
Ted suspects Lennie of being involved in the robbery of a wealthy couple's home safe with a partner in crime who turns out to be Lennie's estranged wife.
Ted and Lennie's visit to the illegal fights leads to the stabbing of Ted's former boxing protege, whose body they can't find. Meanwhile Ted's wife Margaret ends up in mortal danger.
After the shooting of Kurt Meeks Ted is confined to home detention and Lennie is back in gaol, but then Ted learns that Lennie is going to rob the Duke Hotel's safe.