Winslow earned a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1922 with a thesis that was later published as a book with the title Low Comedy as a Structural Element in English Drama from the Beginnings to 1642.[3]
Winslow died in Maine at age 92.
Low Comedy as a Structural Element in English Drama from the Beginnings to 1642 (Menasha, WI, 1926) – "originally presented as the author's thesis, University of Chicago, 1922"[3]
Harper's Literary Museum (Harper & Bros, 1927), compiled by Winslow – Subject: American literature—Colonial period, ca. 1600–1775 – first of a series designed by George Boas, not continued – reissued as Harper's literary museum, a compendium of instructive, entertaining, and amusing matter, selected from early American writings (Arno, 1972)[5]
American Broadside Verse from Imprints of the 17th & 18th Centuries (Yale University Press, 1930), selected and edited with an introduction by Winslow[6]
Jonathan Edwards: basic writings, selected and edited with a foreword by Winslow (New American Library, Signet Classics, 1966)
The Pilgrim's Progress: with a critical and biographical profile of the author by Ola Elizabeth Winslow (Grolier, The World's Great Classics, 1968), Grolier Edition of the 1820 classic by John Bunyan