In 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic, which shut down businesses globally, Obi Emelonye became the first film director to make a movie via Zoom, by working remotely with cast members in London and Lagos. The movie, Heart 2 Heart, received critical acclaim from major media outlets all over the world.[citation needed]
In December 2022, Obi Emelonye was presented with the British Urban Film Festival honorary award by producer/director Don Omope for a 20+ year outstanding contribution to cinema at a ceremony in London.
Obi Emelonye, a former professional footballer and law professional, graduated from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) Enugu State, with BA (Hons) Theatre Arts degree (1990). He went on to study for an LLB Law degree from the University of Wolverhampton (1998). He completed a post-graduate degree in Legal Practice from London Metropolitan University (2002) and practised Law for a few years before focusing on his first love, film. In 2019, Obi Emelonye acquired certifications to become a Chartered Management consultant. He is a member of the UK Directors Guild as well as the British Film Institute (BFI).[4]