Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, NSUEM (Russian: (Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Новосибирский государственный университет экономики и управления «НИНХ», Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education «Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management») is a social and economic higher education institute in Novosibirsk, Russia.
In 1929 Siberian Institute of National Economy was launched in Novosibirsk, and was based in the contemporary building of Novosibirsk State architectural and art Academy. The main aim was to provide the economic managers for the national economics. Teaching staff in 1929 consisted of 10 people and in 1931 it gained up to 57. In the first academic year Institute launched 4 faculties: planned economy, industrial, product exchange and distribution, economic and agricultural management.
In 1967 according to Administrative order by the Minister of high and secondary education ) Novosibirsk Institute of National Economy (NINE) was launched on the basis of All Union correspondence financial-and-economic Institute branch. NINE was launched on the 1 of August 1968.
In 1994 the Institute received the status of the Academy, and in 2004, the status of the University. The University status led NSUEM to a new name: Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management.
There are:
Faculty of Law,
Faculty of Corporate Economics and Entrepreneurship,
Faculty of Public Sector,
Faculty of Basic Training
Language Center: Russian Language Courses,
International business school, where some international educational programs are realized,
Center of graduates support, etc.
In 1991 Thesis board was organized. In 1992 Institute has become an experimental place to launch double level education system: Bachelor's Degree and master's degree.
In January, 2001 for the first time issued its magazine “Our Academy”
In 2015 University was reorganized:
Institutes were formed into faculties;
New management system was formed (Departments of youth policy, external affairs, informational technologies and scientific policy)
Since 4 February 2021 NSUEM is headed by Pavel Novgorodov.
NSUEM rectors
Viktor Pervushin (19 May 1967 – 17 May 1974)
Viktor Schukin (17 May 1974 – 19 July 1983)
Anatolii Korobkin (14 July 1983 – 15 September 1986)
Petr Shemetov (27 November 1986 – 16 February 1998)
Yurii Gusev (28 April 1998 – 29 April 2013)
Olga Molchanova (29 April 2013 – 22 May 2014)
Alexandr Novikov (7 July 2014 – 2021)
Pavel Novgorodov (since 7 February 2021).
NSUEM today
Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (NSUEM) is the biggest educational complex in the field of economics in Western Siberia.
Over 13 thousand students study in NSUEM.
NSUEM has tier system of continuous education: undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs.
There are 4 faculties at NSUEM:
Faculty of Corporate Economics and Entrepreneurship
Additional training and professional education courses;
Educational centers and schools
NSUEM actively implements educational technologies: professional simulations, workshops, project method, and on-line education. MBA program provides training for the top-managers, APTECH program trains IT-specialists. Also there are retraining programs and advanced training programs. Cooperation with international Universities and organizations is an integral part of NSUEM life, which leads to active student exchange programs.
University structure
Faculty of Corporate Economics and Entrepreneurship
Faculty of Corporate Economics and Entrepreneurship is a structural subdivision of NSUEM
In 2015 a new step of development has begun in NSUEM, within the University reconstruction Institutes of Economics and Management were united into Faculty of economics.
At the moment Faculty of Economics is the biggest in NSUEM by the quantity of students.
Acting dean – Vladiimir Kiz, PhD.
Department of Service Business
Department of information and analytical support and accounting
Department of Corporate Governance and Finance
Department of Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations
Department of Financial Market and Financial Institutions
Department of Labor Economics and Human Resources
Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Faculty of Basic Education
Faculty of Basic Education is a structural subdivision of NSUEM.
Acting Dean – Lada Shekhovtsova
Department of Foreign Languages
Department of Physical Education and Sport
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Department of Economic Theory
Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Center of Secondary Vocational Education
Faculty of Government
Faculty of Government
Acting Dean – Vladimir Romashin, PhD.
Department of Statistics
Department of Sociology
Department of World Economy, International Relations and Law
Department of Public Finance
Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Law
Department of Regional Economics and Management
Department of Environmental Safety and Environmental Management
Department of Applied Informatics
Department of Information Technology
Faculty of Law
the demand of the education programs development, NSUEM launches Faculty of Law. “Legal clinic” is a part of the Faculty. Faculty is oriented for lawyers training for organizations of different economy spheres.
Acting Dean – Oleg Sherstoboev, PhD.
Department of Administrative, Financial and Corporate Law
Department of Civil and Business Law
Department of Theory and History of State and Law
Department of Criminal Law and National Security.
Academic activities
NSUEM academic day starts at 08.00 a.m and lasts till 20.00. In the group schedule there are 4 classes the most.
Chief editor – Vladimir Glinskiy, Doctor of economics, professor, Head of Statistic Department, NSUEM
Scientific Magazine “Ideas and ideals”
Issued once a quarter (in 2 parts)
Humanitarian almanac «Human.RU»/
Almanac publishes: modern research results in the spheres of: philosophy, psychology, pedagogic, traditional and modern anthropology practices.
Newspaper «Our Academy»
It is issued once in 2 weeks, having 16 columns. It covers: University life, interviews, scientific research results, etc. The circulation is 500 distributed in University. “Our Academy” has its e-publication within the official web-site of NSUEM. .