Noah's Ark is a children's picture book written and illustrated by Peter Spier, first published by Doubleday in 1977. The text includes Spier's translation of "The Flood" by Jacobus Revius, a 17th-century poem telling the Bible story of Noah's Ark. According to Kirkus Reviews, the poem comprises sixty three-syllable lines such as "Pair by pair" (in translation). "Without revising or even enlarging on the old story, Spier fills it in, delightfully."[1] In a retrospective essay about the Caldecott Medal-winning books from 1976 to 1985, Barbara Bader described the book as "at once elaborate and feeble" and Revius' poem as "neither particularly suited to children nor eloquent in itself."[2]
Picture books were separately recognized for only two years in National Book Awards history, paperbacks for four years. Most of the paperback award-winners were reprints.