The Nicktoons Film Festival (also known as the Nicktoons Network Animation Festival and the Nickelodeon Animation Festival) was an annual event that was created by producer Fred Seibert and produced for its first three years by his Frederator Studios.[1]
The festival featured a selection of animated shorts (10 minutes and under) from around the world. Shorts selected for the festival had the chance to be aired on Nicktoons Network, online and to be showcased at a live event in Los Angeles in October. Several prizes were awarded each year. Animators under 18 years old were eligible to enter the Greater Creator Contest. The 2009 season was the final season of the festival.
2004 winners
Grand Prize:Timmy's Lessons In Nature by Mark Simon and Travis Blaise
2005 winners
Grand Prize:La Révolution des Crabes by Arthur DePins
Five Informercials for Dentists (Hand-drawn animation)
Defective (CG animation)
Betty (CG animation)
Nulbur (Flash animation)
In-Out (CG animation)
The Laws of Gravity (Flash animation)
The Life of a Mime (CG animation)
Fee Fi Fo Fum (Digital cut-out)
Sing-a-Long with Roosevelt (CG animation)
Un-Doo (stop-motion)
Egghunt (CG animation)
Farm Force (2D animation)
Project Firefly, created by Ethan Long and produced by Robin Cowie; aired on August 27, 2005[3]
Season 3 (The Nicktoons Network Animation Festival 2006)
The 2006 Nicktoons Network Animation Festival aired on Nicktoons Saturday, August 26, 2006– Wednesday, August 30, 2006. Winners were announced on Thursday, August 31, 2006. This season introduced a new theme song.
A Great Big Robot from Outer Space Ate My Homework (CGI animation)
The Tale of How (2D CGI, Flash, Cutout)
Great Apespectations (Traditional 2D)
Handshake (Traditional animation)
Bip Bip (Cutout)
Dog Worries (Computer 2D)
The Ballad of Sheep 13 (Classical 2D)
Late Night Comedy (CGI animation)
La Tete Dans les Nuages (The Head in the Clouds) (CGI animation)
Super Scout (Traditional 2D; adapted into The Mighty B!)
Libraryhead (Traditional 2D)
Penguin Day Spa Commercial (CGI animation)
Ballyvaughan Story (Traditional 2D)
Doodle of Doom (Hand-Drawn, Flash)
Juxtaposer (Traditional animation)
Animation Test Pilot (CG)
Engrish Bwudd (Stopmotion, 2D drawn, Pixelation; music video for "Engwish Bwudd" by Man Man)
Abstract (Flash)
Breakfast with The King (CG)
The Mad Scientist Show: The Transporter (Flash)
Giant's Kitchen (Traditional 2D)
Crocodile Journals (Stopmotion)
La Mia Migliore Amica (Flash)
A Choreography with White-Fronted Geese, Horses, and a Locomotive (3D animation)
Deep Six (Digital Flash)
Eureka! (3D animation)
Gorilla (Pencil on Paper)
The New Guy (Flash)
The M Man (Hand-Drawn)
I Love You Kitty (Traditional 2D)
The Sunshine (CG)
Manege Frei (Flash)
Egg Song (Flash)
Zeitsprung Timetravels (3D)
Exit (3D)
Small and Deep, Love Stories (2D digital cutout and Hand-Drawn)
The Passenger (3D)
Sinking Margot (3D)
The Moustache Contest (Flash)
Snout (CG)
Polka (Pencil on Paper)
Season 4 (2007)
L’amie De Zoe (3D)
Zoologic (2D animation)
Saalis (cut-outs)
Soñadora (stop motion)
Bare (pencil on paper, watercolor)
Striped (Classical animation, colored in Photoshop, composited in After Effects)
Hedgehug (2D computer, Flash)
Hominid (Trad. 2D [brush and ink, digital ink and paint])
Frederator Studios has persisted in the tradition of surfacing new talent, characters, and series in several ways, with The Nicktoons Film Festival being the first to present short cartoons recently produced by independent filmmakers around the world. This tradition has continued online with their Channel Frederator network, the world's largest animation network, with over 3000 members who produce and program their own YouTube animation channels. Some of the most notable entries include To a Man with a Big Nose, Bathtime in Clerkenwell, Kiwi!, Kenya and Magical Trevor, the Ape Escape trilogy of shorts, The Naive from Loli Land, Charlie & Chunk, The Mouschist, Prey, Hero: 108, Bert, Engrish Bwudd, Skippy, Monster on the Moon, Pigly, Libraryhead, Over the Moon, Feb-18-05, Timmy's Lessons In Nature, Farm Force, Late Night Comedy, Zoologic, Maestro, Zoya the Zebra, PGi-13, The Tale of How, Loco Melones, Rockfish, Super Scout and Welcome to My Life. Certain shorts featured here were produced by Nelvana, and those were also shown on YTV's Funpak, such as The Not-So-Superheroic Adventures of Sidekick, which spawned Sidekick.