Nakshathrakkannulla Rajakumaran Avanundoru Rajakumari revolves around a family that claims that they are the descendants of the brave Thacholi Othenan, who was the warrior of the Vadakkanpattu lore. Bhageerathi Amma has two sons, Veerabhadra Kuruppu and Kochchukuruppu, and a daughter Subhadra, who constantly feud with each other. The elder Kuruppu's daughter Aswathy is in love with her muracherukkan, Subhadra's son Ananthu, but their parents object to the match. They are encouraged by Chandutty, Bhaskaran and Shankunni. They hope that Aswathy's brother Karthik will come to their rescue, but he turns against the lovers on the advice of his father. Raziya Begum turns up, claiming to be Karthik's lover. Ananthu and his gang use this opportunity to fix Karthik, and Kochukuruppu gives them a lot of muscle support. Rasiya gets pregnant, thus Kuruppu decides to kill Anandhu & Rasiya. Kochukuruppu and gang rescues them with the help of Karthik. Later, Aswathy and Anandhu elope. After a lot of buffoonery and mistaken identity, both the families get united. They accept Rasiya and later, Achu and Ananthu reunite with their family.