Morley Senior High School is an Independent Publichigh school located in Noranda, a northern suburb of Perth, Western Australia. The school provides an education to approximately 1,400 students from Year 7 to Year 12.
By the end of the 1960s, John Forrest Senior High School and Hampton Senior High School were desperately overcrowded. Morley High School was established in 1970, but without a campus of its own. At first, the school consisted of 9 demountable classrooms and 250 students on the grounds of John Forrest Senior High School. It had its own staff, principal and p&c association, but it used John Forrest's library, sports facilities and canteen. A campus of its own opened in 1972 to 830 students from the first 3 years. By 1975, Morley was a complete Senior High School.[1]