The music video for "Moon of Dreams", directed by Malkom Jones, was shot simultaneously in Kyiv and Los Angeles. In 4 shooting days, 4 hours of footage are captured. At the same time, fantasy worlds are being created, covered with clouds of surreal colors, rocks and burning glaciers. Two moons transform into two suns. All 164 frames are created in 5 months. To portray fantasy elements, the designers used ten kilos of ice, two tracks of soil and stones, several tons of fuel for special effects and unrestrained extreme imagination and bravery.
This is how you can be if you can love infinitely and wildly”. “Dare to love, dare to believe in your dreams”, calls out Ruslana. According to the plot of Moon of Dreams song and video T-Pain’s character travels [through] space and time, telling the story about the Amazon’s love.