Monte Cassino Girls High School is a Catholic boarding-school in the Mashonaland East province of Zimbabwe.
The school was founded as part of the Catholic Mission at Monte Cassino in 1902, when Trappist monks selected a farm near the Macheke Siding and established the Monte Cassino Mission.
It was built between two mountain ranges, with its entrance coming in from the west side after crossing the Mucheke River, 7 km south-east of Macheke.
In 1996, Ampleforth monks from the English Benedictine Congregation arrived at the mission and established the Monastery of Christ the Word.[3]
Current activities
There are four houses at the school: Nightingale, Boeckenhoff, Pfanner and Kizito.
In 2017, it was ranked as one of the top ten boarding schools in Zimbabwe, based on O-level and A-level results.[4]
In 2019, 145 pupils walked four miles from the school to Macheke police station to register complaints over sexual harassment and ill-treatment at the school.[5][6] The education ministry then launched an investigation which found evidence of harassment by both male and female staff.[7]