The story revolves around Ravi, the son of Panduranga Rao, a Police constable, who wishes to make his son an officer. Ravi, a recent college graduate, has many opportunities to enter different fields but he goes with his father's dream of becoming an Inspector. Panduranga gets transferred into a town whose residents are troubled by the rowdy Kari Kaala (Mohan Raj). The police force in the town turns a blind eye to the acts of Kari Kaala. One day Panduranga gets information that Kari Kaala is creating trouble in the marketplace. Being an honest policeman, he goes on site to investigate where he takes him on. Hearing of trouble, Ravi too rushes to the market. Panduranga is no match for the goon and Ravi tries to intervene before his father is injured. A fight ensues between Kari Kaala and Ravi and both are arrested by the police. Since he managed to defeat the reigning rowdy, Ravi is typecast as a rowdy by the people of the town.
After recovering, Kari Kaala targets Ravi and his family. With the police failing to protect him, Ravi is forced to fight for his life and ends up killing Kari Kaala. Ravi is sentenced to prison for murdering Kari Kaala and hence is disqualified from being a Police Inspector. Head Constable Panduranga reads the Police Verification Report which states Ravi is a "notorious criminal".
The duo of Rajan–Nagendra scored for the film's background and its film soundtrack, lyrics for which was penned by Chi. Udayashankar. The soundtrack album consists of four tracks.[2]