Mite Kremnitz (4 January 1852, Greifswald – 18 July 1916 in Berlin), born Marie von Bardeleben (pen namesGeorge Allan, Ditto and Idem), was a German writer.[1][2]
Kremnitz was the daughter of the famous surgeon Heinrich Adolf von Bardeleben. She grew up in Greifswald, London, and, beginning in 1868, Berlin. Later she married the doctor Wilhelm Kremnitz and moved with him to Bucharest in 1875.[1] The couple had two children.
In Romania, Marie became good friends with Queen Elisabeth, who wrote poems, novels, and short stories under the nom de plumeCarmen Sylva, and in 1881 she was appointed her maid of honor. They published several novels and a drama in collaboration, Marie signing with the pseudonym Ditto and Idem. In 1890, she changed it to Mite Kremnitz.
After her husband's death in 1897, Kremnitz returned to Berlin. She died on 18 July 1916, aged 64.
Rumänische Dichtungen ("Romanian Poems"), 1881
Fluch der Liebe ("The Curse of Love"), short stories, 1881
Neue rumänische Skizzen ("New Romanian Sketches"), 1881
Rumänische Märchen ("Romanian Fairy-Tales"), 1882
Aus der rumänischen Gesellschaft ("From The Romanian Society"), two novels, 1882
Ein Fürstenkind ("A Princely Child"), a novel, 1883
Rumäniens Anteil am Kriege 1877-78 ("Romania's Participation in The War of 1877-78"), 1887
as Ditto and Idem: Anna Boleyn, historic drama, 1886 (together with Carmen Sylva)
as Ditto and Idem: Astra, an epistolary novel, 1886 (together with Carmen Sylva)
as Ditto and Idem: Feldpost ("The Postal Service"), an epistolary novel, 1886 (together with Carmen Sylva)
as Ditto and Idem: Rache und andere Novellen ("The Revenge and Other Short Stories"), 1888 (together with Carmen Sylva)
as Ditto and Idem: In der Irre ("Astray"), short stories, 1887 (together with Carmen Sylva)
Ausgewanderte ("Emigrated"), a novel, 1890
Elina. Zwischen Kirche und Pastorat ("Elina. Between the Church and the Pastorate"), two short stories, 1894
Sein Brief ("His Letter"), short stories, 1896
Herr Baby. Eine Kindergeschichte ("Mr. Baby. A Child Story"), 1901
Mann und Weib ("Man and Woman"), short stories, 1902
Am Hofe der Ragusa ("At the Ragusa Court"), a novel, 1902
Fatum ("Fate"), stories, 1903
König Karol von Rumänien. Ein Lebensbild ("King Carol of Romania. A Biography"), 1903
Carmen Sylva, a biography, 1903
Maria, Fürstin Mutter zu Wied, Prinzessin zu Nassau. Lebensbild ("Maria, Princess-Mother of Wied, Princess of Nassau. A Biography"), 1904
Mutterrecht ("Matriarchy"), short stories, 1906
Eine Hilflose ("A Helpless Woman"), a novel, 1906
Was die Welt schuldig nennt ("What The World Calls Guilty"), 1907
Der rote Streif. Eine Liebesgeschichte ("The Red Stripe. A Love Story"), 1908
Ist das - das Leben? ("Is This The Life?"), Roman, 1909
Die Getäuschten ("The Deceived"), Roman, 1909
Laut Testament ("According To The Will"), Roman, 1911
Das Geheimnis der Weiche ("The Secret of The Gate"), stories, 1913