Ministry of Justice of Denmark (Danish: Justitsministeriet, Faroese: Dómsmálaráðið, Greenlandic: Inatsiseqarnermut Ministereqarfik) is the Danish government ministry responsible for the general judicial system, including the police and the prosecution service, the courts of law, and prisons and the probation service. In addition, the Ministry is responsible for legislation in the areas of criminal, private and family law, the law of trusts and foundations, nationality law and data protection law. The Ministry of Justice of Denmark might oversee the administration of justice in Greenland.[1]
The entirety of the judicial system (Danish: Justitsvæsnet) is overseen by the Ministry of Justice.[2][3]
Procesbevillingsnævnet (the Appeals Permission Board)
Bibeskæftigelsesnævnet (the Board of Secondary Employment)
Indsamlingsnævnet (the Collection Board)
Ungdomskriminalitetsnævnet (the Juvenile Crime Board)
Legal commissions
Kursusudvalget for Advokatuddannelsen
Udvalget om retshjælp og fri proces
Other commissions
Justitsministeriets Forskningspolitiske Udvalg
Kursusudvalget vedr. obligatorisk efteruddannelse af advokat-fuldmægtige
Undersøgelseskommissionen om SKAT (Commission of Inquiry on the Tax Administration))
Undersøgelseskommissionen om hjemsendelser i Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (FE-kommissionen II) (Commission of Inquiry on the relievement of dutys in the Danish Defense Intelligence Service (DDIS Commission II)