By October 2024, Mingma and Chhang Dawa successfully completed their mission of ascending the Seven Summits, which are the seven highest peaks on each continent. This achievement made them the first siblings to achieve this feat.[5][6][7]
Journey to Eight thousanders
The Sherpa brothers used supplementary oxygen only on the four highest mountains out of all 8000ers. They climbed all eight thousanders with no sponsor. Until Mingma climbed nine 8000ers as a Sherpa guide and then went to Japan for work. In 2009 Mingma returned to Nepal and climbed the remaining 5 other 8000ers.
In 2020 - Dec 11, Mingma Sherpa along with Swiss Climber Sophie Lavaud, Dawa Sangay and Tenjing Sherpa made first ever summit of Kyungya Ri 2 peak (6506m) located in Langtang Valley.[9]
^By Oct 2024 Mingma and Chhang Dawa completed the mision of climbing Seven summits - seven highest peak of the seven continents and became the first siblking to do so.