The series is animated in the style of Miffy and Friends, the first television adaptation of Miffy.
The titular rabbit, Miffy, goes on a treasure hunt at a zoo. Along with her friends Snuffy the dog, Melanie the rabbit, and Grunty the pig, she is able to complete the quest through problem-solving.
The film was first announced on 18 May 2010, with an expected release date of November 2011.[6] Production was delayed for unknown reasons, and the first trailer for Miffy the Movie was released in 2012.[7] The film was first screened in the Netherlands, its country of origin, and was distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. On 22 March 2013, the film was released in Japan.[8] In Canada, Miffy the Movie premiered as part of the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival.[9] The movie saw its Australian release on 11 May 2013;[10] for this country, Miffy the Movie was distributed by Transmission Films.[11]
The film was released in several additional countries in 2015, to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the "Miffy" character. The movie was released in Poland on 1 June 2015[12] and in the United Kingdom on 21 June 2015.[13]
A Dutch-language DVD was released on 26 June 2013 in the Netherlands.[14] A German disc was released on 9 March 2014[15] and a Region 1 DVD featuring an English audio track was released on 2 December 2014 in North America,[16] despite the film not getting a theatrical release in Germany and the United States.