Marder is an editorial associate of the journal Telos (New York)[6] and an editor of four-book series: Political Theory and Contemporary Philosophy Series,[7]Critical Plant Studies,[8]Future Perfect: Images of the Time to Come in Philosophy, Politics, and Cultural Studies,[9] and Palgrave Studies in Postmetaphysical Thought.[10]
Much of his philosophical work has focused on building philosophies that take into account plants as beings with their own form of subjectivity, which has included showing how the field of philosophy, especially the tradition of continental philosophy, has neglected plants or treated them as "other", and how the field has been poorer for it.[11] Dominic Pettman found Marder's book Plant-Thinking to be a work that made a substantial contribution to that nascent field, but also at times too simplistic, for example idealizing the ways that plants co-exist with other beings and not taking into account the ways that plants attack and defend against other beings.[11]
Marder, Michael (2025). Of Joints and Other Articulations : The Future of Arthrosophy. Northwestern University Press.
Marder, Michael (2025). Metamorphoses Reimagined. Columbia University Press.
Marder, Michael (2025). Eco-Freud, from A to Z. Bloomsbury.