Matthias Vehe known as Glirius (c.1545-1590) was a German Protestant religious radical, who converted to a form of Judaism and anti-trinitarianism, rejecting the New Testament as revelation.[1]
The identity of Vehe and the writer Glirius, who published Mattanjah (Knowledge of God, 1578) in Cologne, was established by G. E. Lessing. The history of the group including Vehe has been reconsidered by recent scholarship.[2]
Vehe's followers András Eőssi and Simon Péchi founded the Szekler Sabbatarians, after Dávid died in prison in 1579.[8] It has been said that Vehe was primarily responsible (as Faustus Socinus claimed) for the 1581 Defensio Francisci Davidis. By then he had been expelled from Kolozsvár.[9]
He spent most of the rest of his life in Poland, publishing under pseudonyms. He returned to Germany in 1589, was arrested, and died in December 1590.[10]
Burchill, Christopher J. (1989) The Heidelberg Antitrinitarians. Bibliotheca Dissidentium 11, ed. André Séguenny. Baden-Baden: Editions Valentin Koerner.
Dán, Róbert (1982), Matthias Vehe-Glirius: Life and Work of a Radical Antitrinitarian with His Collected Writing