Alongside "Mal Bicho", "Manuel Santillan, El León" and "Desapariciones" (a cover of Rubén Blades' song), "El Matador" is one of the Cadillacs' several thematic songs about the oppression and forced disappearances during the years of military dictatorship across the Southern Cone, particularly Argentina's last civil-military dictatorship (1976–1983). The song narrates the story of a revolutionary (known as "El Matador") who is being hunted down by pro-dictatorship law enforcement agents, and the narrative is told from the revolutionary's POV. The song also references Víctor Jara, a Chilean folksinger and supporter of the Allende government who was kidnapped, tortured and assassinated shortly after the Chilean coup of 1973 by military officials loyal to the dictatorAugusto Pinochet.