Masala is a 2005 Indian Kannada-language crime drama film written and directed by Dayal Padmanabhan. The film was produced by K. C. N. Chandrashekar, S. Doreraj, R. Venkatadri, R. Ravindran, Elengovan, N. Kumar and M. Manjunath Gowda under the banner Rainbow Talkies. It features Sunil Raoh and Radhika in the lead. The supporting cast includes Vishal Hegde, Suja, Nagashekar and Sandhya. The score and soundtrack for the film was by Sadhu Kokila.[1][2] The film was a box office failure.[3]
The film's background score and the soundtracks were composed by Sadhu Kokila. The music rights were acquired by Ananda Audio.[4][5] The song "Adalu Badalu" is based on "Nibuna Nibuna" from Tamil film Kuththu (2004).
Deccan Herald gave the mixed a film review, commending the first and criticizing the second halves of the film. The reviewer added, "Sunil is his usual self. Nagashekhar, who has mostly been doing comic roles, plays one of the lead characters but his talent has not been utilised much. The roles of the three heroines do not have scope. Radhika's role is limited to some dialogues and two songs. Suja and Sandhya are there for the sake of the other lead actors."[6]