Marrite is part of the monocliniccrystal class, and 2⁄mpoint group.[4] The symmetry reveals that this mineral is composed of 3 axes of unequal lengths. Two of the axes are perpendicular at 90 degrees, while one axis intersects at an angle less than 90 degrees. Crystal habit includes striated, meaning it forms parallel lines along crystal faces; or tabular, meaning that structure dimensions are thin in 1 direction.[4]
Optical mineralogy
Under a microscope, marrite has a distinct anisotropicrefractive index, meaning the velocity of light varies depending on the direction being traveled through the mineral. It is typical of anisotropic minerals to display colorful, optical properties when viewed under cross polarized light. This differs from its vague gray color when viewed in plane polarized light, which is the reason optical mineralogy is essential for correctly identifying similar minerals.[3] Marrite belongs to the biaxial optical class, which signifies that it has two optic axes. An optic axis is the direction of light that travels at 0 birefringence, causing the mineral to appear isotropic. When viewing the indicatrix of biaxial minerals, both optic axes are always perpendicular to one of the two circular sections.
^Berlepsch, P., Makovicky E., and Armbruster, T. (2002) Structural relationships between sicherite, marrite, freieslebenite, and diaphorite: Analysis based on anionic nets and polyhedral characteristics(178th edition) 75-91 p. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. Stuttgart, Germany.