Marina Nikolayevna Tchebourkina (Russian: Марина Николаевна Чебуркина) is a French and Russian organist and musicologist. She has a Doktor nauk (the highest post-doctoral) degree in Science of the Arts. Marina Tchebourkina is known as an expert in French Baroque organ art and an ambassador of Russian organ music.[1][2][3]
From 1996 to 2010, Marina Tchebourkina was the organist at the Royal Chapel of Versailles. Since 2006, she has been a member of the French National Commission for Historic Monuments (Organ section).[5] In 2010, she became a regular collaborator at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, offering recitals, Master classes, International Scientific Conferences, consulting for organ building projects and serving as a member of the jury at International Organ competitions.[6][7][8][9][10][11] In 2013, Marina Tchebourkina was nominated as an Associate Researcher at Pantheon-Sorbonne University (Paris–I), head of the program "Organ, Arts and Sciences".[2]
French organ music: The King’s Organists and their contemporaries
Claude Balbastre à Saint-Roch / Claude Balbastre at Saint-Roch. Marina Tchebourkina and Michel Chapuis at the Historical Great Organ of the Church of St Roch, Paris. 2-CD set. — 2002. (EAN 13 : 3760075340018)
Du Roy-Soleil à la Révolution, l’orgue de la Chapelle royale de Versailles / From the Sun King to the Revolution, the organ of the Royal Chapel of Versailles. Marina Tchebourkina at the Great Organ of the Royal Chapel of the Palace of Versailles. — 2004. (EAN 13 : 3760075340032)
Louis Claude Daquin, l’œuvre intégrale pour orgue / Louis Claude Daquin, Complete organ works. Marina Tchebourkina at the Great Organ of the Royal Chapel of the Palace of Versailles. — 2004. (EAN 13 : 3760075340049)
Louis Marchand, l’œuvre intégrale pour orgue / Louis Marchand, Complete organ works. Marina Tchebourkina at the Great Organ of the Royal Chapel of the Palace of Versailles. 2-CD set. — 2005. (EAN 13 : 3760075340056)
François Couperin, l’œuvre intégrale pour orgue / François Couperin, Complete organ works. Marina Tchebourkina at the Great Organ of the Royal Chapel of the Palace of Versailles. 2-CD set. — 2005. (EAN 13 : 3760075340063)
Jean-Jacques Beauvarlet-Charpentier, œuvres pour orgue / Jean-Jacques Beauvarlet-Charpentier, Organ works. Marina Tchebourkina at the Historical Great Organ of the Abbey-church of Sainte-Croix, Bordeaux. 2-CD set. — 2007. (EAN 13 : 3760075340087)
Gaspard Corrette, l’œuvre intégrale pour orgue / Gaspard Corrette, Complete organ works. Marina Tchebourkina at the Historical Great Organ of the Abbey-church of Saint-Michel-en-Thiérache. — 2009. (EAN 13 : 3760075340100)
Nicolas de Grigny, l’œuvre intégrale pour orgue / Nicolas de Grigny, Complete organ works. Marina Tchebourkina at the Historical Great Organs of the Abbey-churches of Saint-Michel-en-Thiérache and Sainte-Croix of Bordeaux. 2-CD set. — 2015. (EAN 13 : 3760075340148)
Jean Adam Guilain, l’œuvre intégrale pour orgue / Jean Adam Guilain, Complete organ works. Marina Tchebourkina at the Historical Great Organ of the Abbey-church of Saint-Michel-en-Thiérache. – 2016. (EAN 13 : 3760075340155)
Pierre Du Mage, Louis Nicolas Clérambault, l’œuvre intégrale pour orgue / Pierre Du Mage, Louis Nicolas Clérambault, Complete organ works. Marina Tchebourkina at the Historical Great Organ of the Abbey-church of Saint-Michel-en-Thiérache. – 2019. (EAN 13 : 3760075340179)
Russian organ music
Deux siècles de musique russe pour orgue / Two centuries of Russian organ music. Marina Tchebourkina at the Historical Great Organ of the Church of St Sulpice, Paris. 2-CD set. — 2003. (EAN 13 : 3760075340025)
Youri Boutsko, Grand cahier d’Orgue / Youri Boutsko, Great Organ notebook. Marina Tchebourkina at the Historical Great Organ of the Abbey-church of St Etienne, Caen. — 2010. (EAN 13 : 3760075340117)
Dmitri Dianov, l’Îlot, œuvres pour orgue / Dmitri Dianov, The Isle, organ works. Marina Tchebourkina at the Historical Great Organ of the Abbey-church of St Etienne, Caen. — 2010. (EAN 13 : 3760075340124)
Youri Boutsko, Deuxième Grand cahier d’Orgue : Images russes, Tableaux, Légendes, Histoires véridiques et invraisemblables / Youri Boutsko, Second Great Organ Notebook: Russian Images, Pictures, Legends, True and Unbelievable Stories (dedicated to Marina Tchebourkina). Marina Tchebourkina at the Great Organ of the Church of St Martin, Dudelange, Luxembourg. — 2016. (EAN 13 : 3760075340162)
Selected books
Tchebourkina M. N. The French Baroque Organ Art: Musique, Organ building, Performance. — Paris : Natives, 2013. — 848 p. (ISBN978-2-911662-10-2). Orig. title: Французское органное искусство Барокко: Музыка, Органостроение, Исполнительство.
Tchebourkina M. The Organ of the Royal Chapel of Versailles, Three centuries of history. — Paris : Natives, 2010. — 256 p. (ISBN978-2-911662-09-6) Orig. title: L’Orgue de la Chapelle royale de Versailles, Trois siècles d’histoire.
Tchebourkina M. N. (annotated translation in Russian). Olivier Messiaen. The Technique of my Musical Language. — Moscou: Greko-latinski kabinet Yu. A. Shichalina, 1995. — 128 p. (ISBN5-87245-0109). Orig. title: Оливье Мессиан. Техника моего музыкального языка (комментированный перевод).[13]
^(ru) Чебуркина М. Н. Органная музыка О. Мессиана / Диссертация на соискание учёной степени кандидата искусствоведения; специальность: Музыкальное искусство. Московская государственная консерватория им. П. И. Чайковского. Т. 1–2. — М., 1994. — 401 с. [Т. 1: 171 с.; Т. 2: 230 с.]
^(ru) Чебуркина М. Н. Французское органное искусство Барокко: музыка, органостроение, исполнительство / Диссертация на соискание учёной степени доктора искусствоведения; специальность: Музыкальное искусство. Московская государственная консерватория им. П. И. Чайковского. — М., 2013. — 874 с.
World Premiere, by Marina Tchebourkina, on YouTube: Youri Boutsko, Second Great Organ notebook (orig.: Юрий Буцко. Вторая Большая Органная тетрадь. 2010), dedicated to M. Tchebourkina.