Marimayam (transl. Deceit) is an Indian Malayalam-language television sitcom broadcast on Mazhavil Manorama since 5 November 2011. It showcases satirical sketches depicting typical scenarios observed at government institutions and societal trials faced by common man. The show stars Manikandan Pattambi, Vinod Kovoor, Sneha Sreekumar, Niyas Backer, Riyas Narmakala, Mani Shornur, Unni Raj and Salim Hasan in regular roles.[3][4][5][6][7]
The show features two crossover episodes with Thatteem Mutteem, a sitcom, in 2016 and 2021. These special episodes, titled Marithatteem Mayammutteem and Thatteem Mayam Mutteem Mayam respectively, aired on weekends on the same channel. All of them served as a festive backdrop to Onam celebrations.
Plot summary
The comedians present satirical sketches describing the encounters the common man faces while visiting government institutions.[8][9][10] The comedians also represent social issues and how they affect commoners.[11]
Marimayam is the only Malayalam television show to have won the 'Best Comedy Show' award at the Kerala State Television Awards for five consecutive years.[12]