"Malachim" is a plural form from Hebrew (מלאך, mal'ach) and means "angels" or "messengers", see Angels in Judaism.
The Malachim alphabet is derived from the Hebrew and Greek alphabets. It was created by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa in the 16th century.[4][5] It is still used by high degree Freemasons to a limited extent.[4]
This version of the alphabet is from Agrippa's Of Occult Philosophy, 1651 edition.
^De occulta philosophia (version première en 1510, 1re éd. 1531 en 2 livres, 2e éd. 1533 en 3 livres). Trad. fr. A. Levasseur 1727, revue par F. Gaboriau 1910. Trad. fr. Jean Servier : Les trois livres de la philosophie occulte ou magie, Paris, Berg International, 1981–1982.