She was born in Kraków, where she graduated from Secondary School No. 21, attending an art class. In 2001, she graduated from the Ludwik Solski State Higher School of Theatre in Kraków (Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Teatralna im. Ludwika Solskiego w Krakowie).
Acting career
During her studies, she performed at the Theatre Schools Festival in Łódź in the play Paradise Garden as a Woman, for which she received the Mikołaj Grabowski award.
After graduation, she made her debut on the stage of the New Theatre in Łódź with the title role in the play The Water Hen (Kurka Wodna), directed by Łukasz Kos. Since 2003, she has been working at the National Theatre in Warsaw. Since then, she has collaborated with Studio Buffo in Warsaw, Carrousel Theatre in Berlin and Teatro Tatro in Slovakia.
Since 2005, she has appeared in popular TV series, both Polish and German. In 2007, she played the lead female role in the comedy duo Konecki and Saramonowicz Testosteron. After other roles in the duo's films, Lejdis and The Ideal Guy for My Girl, she received the lead role in the drama Różyczka directed by Jan Kidawa-Błoński. For her role in Różyczka, an agent of the Security Services, she received the award for the best actress at the 35th Polish Film Festival in Gdynia and the Silver Peacock statuette for the best actress at the 41st International Film Festival in Goa.
In 2017, she played the title role in the biopic Sztuka kochania. The story of Michalina Wisłocka, for which she was awarded the Eagle in the Best Female Lead Role category. In 2019, she played Maria Piłsudska, Józef Piłsudski's first wife, in the movie Piłsudski. For this role, she received the award for the best actress at the 44th Polish Film Festival in Gdynia.
2003: nagroda za debiut za rolę tytułową w przedstawieniu Kurka wodna Witkacego w Teatrze Nowym w Łodzi na XXVIII Opolskich Konfrontacjach Teatralnych w Opolu.
2005: nagroda dla duetu aktorskiego (z Jarosławem Gajewskim) za rolę Viviany w przedstawieniu Merlin. Inna Historia Tadeusza Słobodzianka w Teatrze Narodowym w Warszawie oraz mała statuetka Wojciecha – nagroda dziennikarzy na XLV Kaliskich Spotkaniach Teatralnych w Kaliszu.