The film tells the story of Chandran Pillai, a widower from a village in Kerala. Bhama, a teacher, wants to marry Chandran Pillai and be a mother to his son, whom she likes a lot. The story begins with a Delhi-based young journalist named Jayakrishnan getting kidnapped. In the meantime, Chandran Pillai travels to Madirasi, to buy his son a brand new cycle. He is drawn into a vicious circle when he goes probing the disappearance of Johny, a police constable.
After 21 years, Jayaram and Shaji Kailas finally collaborated on a movie. The last time they were seen together was for Kilukkampetty released in 1991.[2] "Jayaram and I have been discussing to do a movie for four to five years. When I did the script for Madirasi, I thought Jayaram was the apt person to essay the role," says Shaji.[3]
The film, initially planned to be released in October, was announced for a 23 November release. It was again postponed to 7 December due to theater strike.
Critical response
The film was panned by critics. Unni R Nair, in his review for, rated the film and said, "Shaji Kailas seems to have lost his touch. His last film, Simhasanam, was a let down. Now his latest, Madirashi, seems to re-iterate this fact. The film is a mess and disappoints you beyond all limits."[4] Veeyen of gave a rating and said, "I had always felt that Shaji Kailas needed to rediscover himself. But now, after Madirasi, I have serious doubts about the reinvention idea. "[5] gave a 49% rating and said, "There is nothing which will amuse us in Madirasi, be it some genuine laugh, story, or performances."[6]