Maa is a 2022 Indian Punjabi language film directed by Baljit Singh Deo and produced by Ravneet kaur Grewal and Gippy Grewal. The film stars Divya Dutta, Gippy Grewal,[2] Babbal Rai, Raghveer Boli, Rana Ranbir and Gurpreet Ghuggi. The film was released on 6 May 2022.[3]
The film recounts the story of a lady who has been through many ups and downs throughout her life but she is a fearless protector who wishes to provide the best life for her child.
Maa received positive reviews from critics. The Tribune rated the film 3 out of 5 stars and termed the film a "She is not an iron lady, but a mountain of iron’, as the conspirators in the movie call her,Divya has aced every emotion related to motherhood. Kudos to the dialogue-writer for giving convincing and bold lines,which are apt for a single mother bringing up two children".[4] Sukhpreet Kahlon of "" rated the film 3 out of 5 stars and wrote "Maa urges us to take the time to thank our parents and tell them we love them. An important message indeed".[5] Neha Vashist of The Times of India rated the film 4 out of 5 stars and wrote "Apart from the love ballad, every song of the movie was well placed and had the power to move the audience. In a nutshell, if you plan to see this movie, make sure to carry your tissues".[6]