The film begins with two besties, Dharma Rao & Veerabhadram, going with an amusing challenge, whose children will grant them a grandson. So accordingly, they pact through their family lawyer Nayudamma by depositing ₹200,000 (US$2,300) in the bank. Affirming, one stands first and gains the amount with the interest. Years roll by, and the elders expire. The amount multiplies into ₹5,000,000 (US$59,000), and except Nayudamma, nobody knows the code who is currently in prison for the term for treading violations. Veerabhadram has three sons, Seshagiri, Anjaneyulu, & Bose. Dharma Rao has two sons, Sivaram & Rajababu, and a daughter, Bhanu. Both families are still cordial.
Bose is a loaf, and he survives trickery. From childhood, he endeared Bhanu, but she detests him and aspires to settle in the States.
Meanwhile, Nayudamma acquits, voiding his degree, and approaches Adavocate Dakshina Murthy, who acolyte him to get even for his insults at his apprentice. Nayudamma also negotiates with Bose by unwrapping the concealed and insists on splicing his daughter Dhanalakshmi. The two forward to her, and after explaining everything, she is averse and scatters her father. So, he covenanted with Bose for a 50% share. Bose reveals the secret to Bhanu, and she agrees to knit him, stipulating that there will be no relationship between the two, who will conceive artificially and declaring that she will quit for states with her share by divorcing. Soon after, the newlywed walks on to a doctor and receives rebuke when the couple starts their marital life. Fortuitously, Dakshina Murthy loves & marries Dhanalakshmi, via whom he too gains the secret. Hence, he makes a deal with Rajababu, and everyone is mindful of it step-by-step.
Thus, one moves pawns the other, and the heels ruse by intruding into their house. As part of it, they create a rift & detach the Anjeneeyulu couple by attributing shame to his wife, Uma. Today, all the ladies conceive when Nayudamma & Dakshina Murthy force their parties to abort the remaining. Though Bose attempts on his elder sister-in-law Bharati, he withdraws because of showering affection. Whereat, Bose rebels against Nayudamma and expels him by breaching the contract. Tragically, Bhanu is poisoned by Rajababu and hospitalized at death's door when she realizes the virtue of her husband. Rajababu also kicks off Dakshina Murthy, and the families are united. Ultimately, Bose is blessed with a baby boy—Nayudamma & Dakshina Murthy fuse to repel and abduct the newborn when Bose rescues him with the family. At last, Bose wins ₹ 50 lakhs, but perceiving the fruitlessness of treacherous money, he shares the amount with all who regretfully conjoins the Anjineeyulu couple. Finally, the movie ends happily.