The show follows the lives of a group of young people, as told by Joaquin, a radio DJ and blogger.[2] He and his friends are in their twenties and are learning to let go of their teenage struggles and forge their own paths in life.[3] Fights with their parents, sexual encounters, and music shape their lives. Chema and Laura are a couple who decide to remain abstinent until marriage. David and Alex are twin brothers who, although financially stable, have a difficult relationship with their father, Arturo. Joaquin, his close friend Mateo, and teacher Sara are caught in a love triangle.
The show premiered in Madrid on 15 October, 2009.[3] Miquel Fernández directed the production, set design was by Ana Garay, and choreography by Noemí Cabrera. In Barcelona the show premiered at the Teatro Victoria on September 9, 2010.[7] Both productions finished their runs in May 2011 and began a national tour.[3]
In November 2011 the show performed in Granada.[2] In January 2013 it finished its tour in Spain and prepared to tour in Argentina.[3]
The Mexican production of the musical, Los 40, premiered on February 8, 2018, at the Foro Cultural Chapultepec in Mexico City. It was produced by Faisy and directed by Ricardo Díaz, with set design by Cecilia Márquez and choreography by Neisma Ávila.[6][8] The show was the stage debut for Fran Meric's husband, Raul Sandoval.[9] The production toured in Mexico until September 2018, with their final performances in Guadalajara.[10]
A cast album for the Mexican production was released on 16 March, 2018 and contains only performances from the show, and contains only performances from the show.[12]